Sunday, May 07, 2006
After 7 days of driving, 10 hours every day, almost running out of gas in the middle of the Sierra Mountains, and almost getting our truck seized and almost getting a $5,000.00 fine at the border for getting in the wrong line, we are home! We arrived home Wednesday, April 26th. The drive was long – there sure is a lot of desert up the Baja, through southern
Mark, Susan, & Emma Larimer
Friday, March 31, 2006
The Bald Headed Preacher & His Ivory Soap Girls
- The following post was submitted by The Plain Brown Rappa (AKA Milton Sanders) to celebrate our year in La Paz.
Well yall I know yo time is precious…just a minute or two
Cause there’s a little sumpum sumpum gotta share wit choo
Now I’m not talking to no swine while I’m casting dis pearl
About da bald headed preacher and the ivory soap girl
We got to tell you who they is…Before they go
The two embarrassed people and the one too young to know
If this story’s new to you
Don’t think you’ve missed the show
Cause every time we say goodbye we turn around and say hello
So if you start to get teary wit da water in yo eyes
Know dat Susan’s way ahead because she always cries
But women cut out all dat cryin’ like you howlin at da moon
I know you all know Susan…she’ll be back real soon
You see dey miss us way too much
When dey half way round the world
Da bald headed preacher and the ivory soap girl
Well we know you gotta go cause you heard it from The Man
An if He wants to send you back then well you know that He can
It’s all the time between that’s so hard to stand
But it’s His life not yo life so leave it in His hand
Well we are a little worried..you know it’s true
That none of us can really do that thing that you do
You singin out cho harmony and makin the calls
While Susan’s trying to find the right words to put on the walls
There’ll be a group of young people wond’rin what to do
But Mark he ain’t yo mama das what he tried to tell you.
So just hang wit da Word fo all yo life without
The bald headed preacher and his ivory soap wife
Yall know that year went way too fast
So we must be havin fun
Fightin battles for The Man with the devil on the run
If you ask them how’s yo’ life They would probably say “sweet”
Callouses and bruises impermeabilizante on your feet
The crying in the night, dogs and cars at the races
Bags under your eyes and lines on your faces
digging holes and movin rocks in all kinds of places
Paintin walls and halls and all kinds of spaces
Still you say yo life is sweet
Goin to churches where people meet
For anniversaries in the summer heat
Kneeling for hours or standin on yo feet
Then waitin around to have a treat
A plate full of meat that you scared to eat
The Lord gave you some grace that made it sweeter than sweet
And He showed you paradise on a dusty little street
A little person came along and showed you lifes best
Although I know you both still pray for a solid night of rest
I guess it was the hardest on Susan maybe
But I don’t know nothin’ bout birthin’ no baby
Naturally Mark was there holding her hand
And the doctor surprised by how much they could stand
Then the doctor there pushing down hard from above
And Mark in position with his baseball glove
Then out popped our Dear Emma and shook up their worlds
Now the bald headed preacher has two ivory soap girls
Well you came and you saw and you conquered my heart
And hers and his and hers for a start
And a lot more besides
Yes you did us all in
One after another you made each your friend
And you didn’t stop there…here comes the boo hoo
You made us all into a family too
You helped us figure out the things we oughta
Standin’ at the crossroads handing out the water
Then getting in a circle and praying hand in hand
And lifting up Jesus so the world could see The Man
You did so much for us that here’s what we will do
I promise that nobody will sing “Friends” to you
I know that’s it’s a lot but it’s the least we can do
Monday, March 06, 2006
Last Place Winners
Recently I heard a sermon entitled Last Place Winners based on the text where Jesus said that the last will be first and the first will be last. This idea really took root for me when I observed it in action through the efforts of Abby, age 17, and Becky, age 18. Abby and Becky have been friends since grade school. They accepted Christ at summer camp around the ages of 10 & 11. And they each have participated in a church mission trip to La Paz—Abby in 2004 and Becky in 2005.
In December 2005 their church sent a group of high school kids to La Paz on another mission trip. Abby and Becky wanted to go, but were asked to step down. Since they’d both been here before and because space was limited, their youth minister urged them to allow others who’d never had the experience to go instead. But the delay did not deter their determination to come back. They talked to their parents and asked if they could come down, just the two of them, on their February Spring Break. They’d pay for it themselves, working extra hours at their jobs to earn the money. After receiving their parents’ permission, Becky and Abby then wrote to us to see what we thought. Was there something for them to do? As a matter of fact, we had quite a few painting projects just waiting for two enthusiastic teenagers!
Becky and Abby painted the foyer of Crossroads and also the Children’s Sunday School Room. And then they painted a room of Mary & Raul’s house, Crossroad’s current mission project. (See January’s Journal article) I asked both of them how coming to La Paz has changed them. These are some of things they shared with me . . .
“We sense a unity and fellowship in La Paz that is missing back home. Church isn’t taken for granted down here.”
“It impacts you when you realize that just handing out a bar of soap can make someone so happy. Some families live all together in one-room houses. And I complain about sharing a bedroom with my sister! I realized how selfish I am when some people literally have nothing.”
“I met and talked with people who live by their faith. I realized you don’t have to know everything in order to integrate your faith into everyday living.”
“I liked being here as an individual and not as part of a big group. It was more intimate and I made better connections. I could take my time getting to know people.”
“Experiencing a cross-cultural situation has made me more open-minded. I’m more self-assured.”
And what do these two young ladies hope to pursue in the future? Abby’s desire is to study elementary education and minor in international studies. Becky’s desire is to study medicine and someday work for Doctors Without Borders. Two young women who each have a servant’s heart. While all their peers were off to the beaches for a better tan over spring break, they spent their hard-earned money to buy plane tickets to La Paz for a mission experience. In the eyes of the world, they were First Place Losers. In the eyes of Jesus, they were Last Place Winners.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
An Emma Update
Emma is now a little over 2 months old – we can’t believe it! She has completely changed our lives. Gone are the days of leaving the apartment with just a set of keys. Now we have keys, a diaper bag, blankets, a car seat, and a baby! She is so much fun, and we are loving being parents. Sometimes she smiles so hard it’s like she can hardly stand it – her mouth is open, her hands are above her head, and her back is arched – it’s a full body smile, and it melts our hearts every time. She wakes up only once during the night to be fed and then goes right back to sleep again, and the other night she slept through the night! She loves to be on the move, so if you’re holding her you better be walking or rocking. She and I take morning walks, and she usually sleeps in her “Emma Pack” or else she looks around with her big blue eyes learning about her world. Mark and I have discovered our specific roles. While I am of course “Feeding Friend”, Mark is very good at being “Sleepy Friend”. He has a special way of holding her and comforting her before bed that sends her right off to dream land. . . Most of the time.
On Sunday, January 8th, Emma was dedicated at Crossroads Christian Fellowship – the English speaking church we are ministering to in La Paz. My parents were able to be a part of the service as were Iza Buentello (Emma’s Mexican Aunt and namesake), and also my doula/birthing coach Susan Gardner. Pastors and friends David and Joyce Reed put together a beautiful service as we dedicated our daughter to God.
Also, on February 12th Emma became an official Mexican citizen. Our friends Carolina and Ruben helped us through the process and were our witnesses as the four of us signed Emma’s official paperwork. As the woman stamped the last paper, Emma let out a big yawn, and the woman said, “Yup, she’s a Mexican!”.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Worship Harder
Mary and Raul’s previous home (a wood and tar paper shack) was demolished as part of the city’s decision to widen their street. No compensation was provided. Since then, the family has been living in an adjacent property owned by one of Raul’s relatives. It has been a long-time dream of theirs to have a home made out of brick and mortar. This dream is becoming a reality!
With the support of the Crossroads Christian Fellowship here in La Paz, FBC of Bethlehem, volunteer labor, and the tenacious spirit of Raul, the house is quickly taking shape. Before the team from Bethlehem arrived the foundation was laid, the walls were in place for 3 nice sized rooms and a small bathroom (inside with plumbing, no longer an outhouse), and the forms to pour the roof were all in place.
Over the course of the week, the team poured the cement roof over the 3 rooms, prepared the foundation and poured a slab for what will be the family’s future kitchen and dining area, dug a 6 foot wide and 7 foot deep ditch through rock and earth which will serve as part of the septic system, and started landscaping the entire property for a garden area and water drainage.
One afternoon the team surprised Mary and Raul’s family by celebrating a late Christmas. During a Christmas morning service back in Pennsylvania, the members of First Baptist Church brought Christmas gifts for the entire family to be taken to La Paz. They were overwhelmed! The kids were inundated with toys and new clothes, and Mary and Raul each received a couple of new outfits.
On our last day together, the group invited their newly adopted family to a day at the beach followed by a dinner back at the Inn where the team was staying. As the evening drew to a close, Raul tried to put into words just how deeply the group had touched him and his family with their willingness to raise the money to come from thousands of miles away to work with a family they only knew through stories passed on by others. Tears began to flow, and Raul simply asked, “Why us?”
The team from Bethlehem came to La Paz ready to work hard, and in the process they became a real and tangible answer to prayer to a family whose faith has been challenged time and time again.