Friday, July 29, 2005

July 29th, 2005

Okay, so, we finally have internet at home, but our computer is out of service. We are borrowing computers until ours is fixed. It’s actually being sent back to the states to be fixed and sent back to us. I can’t load pictures to our blog until we have a more permanent computer which should be soon! Bare with us!

Baby news – I have my 5 month appointment this Monday at 1:00pm. I’m feeling great, but my iron is low as was just reported in my most recent blood work. I’ve always struggled with low iron, so this is nothing new, but my energy level is lower than usual. My doctor did put me on an iron supplement, but so far it hasn’t been changing my levels much. We have a girl’s name in mind, but are searching for just the right boy’s name – any suggestions would be helpful! I have been working with a doula, and for those of you not familiar with the term, a doula is the woman who worked with the midwives. While midwives delivered the babies, the doula coached the mother-to-be through the delivery. My doula’s name is Susan (what a coincidence!), and she has been wonderful even in the 2 times we’ve met. She will be with Mark and me in the hospital working with the doctors and nurses up until the point when I deliver – then it’s just me and Mark. The doctors all respect her role as a doula and she will be a great advocate for me while I’m going through the birth process. She will help me with breathing, positioning, and encouraging in addition to getting me whatever else I need to keep me more comfortable. Since the doctors here tend to give cesarean sections very quickly, she will be my advocate as she works with the doctors in order to do everything possible to avoid a c-section unless it’s absolutely medically necessary. I am much relieved to know that she will be a part of our delivery. I have felt little movements here and there, but it’s hard to tell if it’s my body, or the little one’s. No definite punches or kicks yet. I’ve had 4 dreams that it’s a girl, and all of my Mexican friends say it’s a girl because 1. I haven’t felt a lot of movement yet, and 2. because I’m round and not football shaped. Mark is still convinced that “Larimers only make boys”. We don’t want to know what we’re having until the little one arrives. We’re so excited!!!

Mark has been very busy every day working at the seminary. For those of you who have worked on it in the past, you wouldn’t recognize the place! The library is just about finished. All it needs is to be painted and tiled, and then they can start using it as a library / computer lab. The walls surrounding the seminary have been covered and smoothed with cement for a more eye appealing finish. They are now in the process of digging trenches around the entire property – way out to the back and along the row of houses next door, where they will build a wall to enclose the entire property. Pastors Braulio and Hernando have been faithfully working with David and Mark and also Oscar as well as others now and then including Raul, Jesus, and others. The seminary has found a “friend” too. A tiny little kitten has found a home in the classroom, and since he is being fed daily by the work crew, it looks like he’s there to stay. They affectionately named him Francisco in honor of our friend Pastor Francisco who is soon moving to Tiajuana.

Also, exciting news, we have begun a youth group at Crossroads for young’ins ages 11-16. We currently have 4-6 kids in that age group. We are still finalizing a name for the group, and we are having fun getting to know them. We forgot how. . . challenging it can be to work with this age group since Mark and I are used to working with the high school and college aged kids. Last week we took the gang to Bol La Paz – the first bowling alley in the area. We had a great time, but it was much more expensive than we had anticipated! Crossroads has given the youth group a budget of 200 pesos (about $20.00) per week for our outings and materials. We blew 3 weeks of our budget in one night of bowling!

That’s all for now! Keep us posted on what’s happening back home! We miss you and love you all!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are really busy. That's great. And glad to know the pregnancy is progressing well except for low iron. Eat more meat!

As to the feelings of baby movement, does it feel like little butterflies below your belly-button, like gas? If so, it is probably the baby.

Round not football, eh? Yeah, that's how I carried Brianna. And I carried Ian like a football...all out in front. I'll have to think about boy's names.

Will write more in a private email to you.

Anonymous said...

How was the Dr. visit? I'm happy to hear you have a doula. I thought about one, but decided against it. Afterwards, wished I had had one! I'm sure she will help make labor much easier for you. The first few times you feel the baby move are the best thing. I can tell you what day it was and where I was when I felt Ashleigh for the first time. I wasnt sure that;s what it was, but my co-workers told me that's what I was feeling. I'm not a good judge on how you carry, I carried Ashleigh all over...I gained a lot of weight in my hips, but my belly was very round....Boys names are not something I'm good at...We thought we were set, but then the night before Ashleigh was born we started debating again...We had the name book in the hospital trying to pick a new boy;s name!! We had it narrowed to 2 first names, and a few middle names....We were very thankful she was a girl, since that name was settled!

I certainly had fun playing the guessing game with the baby's gender. My friend's were convinced I was having a girl, but my coworkers were convinced she was a boy....My Regional Vice President wanted to do the ring test....said he had never seen in fail...It's a lot of fun waiting and guessing and dreaming. I had 2 destinctive gender dreams, one a boy, (born in the sanctuary at FBC during church...very weird) and one a girl....the girl dream was first....most of my dreams were awful terrible things parents telling me they were both dying of cancer in the next 6 months and they wont be around for the babys birth, etc....Just be prepared...I wasn't and woke up in tears quite a few mornings...aren't pregnancy hormones wonderful? I'm glad you are doing so well!

The youth group looks like fun! I'm glad you are keeping busy and having a good time! We'll look foward to your next post!!
