Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mission: La Paz 2009

From March 6th to the 16th, a team from CrossWay Community Church in Harrison, Ohio traveled to La Paz, Mexico to serve alongside American Baptist Missionaries David and Joyce Reed, the churches of the Mexican Baptist Convention of Southern Baja, and the people of the city of La Paz.

The team took over 500 pounds of new clothing, toiletries, and school supplies to distrute to those in need in the outskirts of the city, and was able to provide staple food items (rice, beans, oil, salt, tuna, etc.) to nearly 50 families. They also partnered with a breakfast program called Care For Kids, La Paz to provide bagged lunches for over 90 children in the village of Vista Hermosa to take to school.

Much of the team's time was spent building relationships while working side by side with pastors and church members at the Theological School. New security measures were installed to address recent costly break-ins, and a shower was added to the bathroom facility to better accomodate the students that come from as far as Cabo San Lucas (a 2.5 hour drive) for theological training.

More information about short-term mission opportunities can be found at the International Ministries website, or you may contact the team from CrossWay Community Church to learn more about their experience at

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Miguel Melon

Mike was our 'chief' melon hander-outer and he did a fine job. If we could only keep him from eating one for every one he handed out - it might go further. Way to go Mike - smart move - While Nelson and I were washing dishes in cold water----Mike transforms into "Miguel Melon".

Vista Hermosa Dispensa

Tom Here: On Wed & Fri a.m.'s - we went to Vista Hermosa (Beautiful View) area to serve children breakfast and to dispense clothing , food, toiletries & candy. Nelson brought massive amounts of "stuff" to give out and we had no problem doing so. Barbara Spencer has organized a breakfast program three days a week for kids who otherwise may get no breakfast. The sandwich "factory" you saw earlier this week was in preparation for this morning. Otherwise -these kids would have NO lunch while at school.

Afterward, we went to the poorest area to dispense clothing, commodity foods, toiletries, candy bags, etc.. Much more on that later when we get to see you again. What a great experience truly being Jesus' hands and feet helping folks who have next to nothing ( see below pix). They were always polite, appreciative, and thankful Word of the the day was " Dios Le Bendiga" (God Bless You!). Another great story about that trip later and the two young men on the road when we see you. Their story touched me more than any other while we have been here.

All in all - been a very good week and I believe we have been more blessed from God than these folks have been blessed. Truly, A Touch Of The Holy !

Vista East Hermosa Dispensa

Casabuena Security Force

This is our Top-Notch Casabuena (our B & B) personal security force. We feel entirely safe while they are around - if we can get them to quit begging for food and wanting us to pet them. However, try opening the main gate and they WILL be waiting to greet you ! Have never bothered any of us gringos .

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It ain't IHOP----It's "Care For Kids La Paz"

Could you feed 270 breakfasts (3 mornings @ 90 kids each time) for a total of $135 ( $ .50 each)? Well, Barbara Spencer does every week and has been doing so for over five years. We were blessed today with helping to serve these kids their breakfast, clean up after them and then provide them a lunch for later. Best of all was the chance to visit with the kids and receive blessings ourselves. It's hard to forget the smiles and the response of "Gracias" whenever we do anything for them. Especially cool was meeting Barbara and seeing her incredible ministry. However, we were prepared for ninety kids ---made 96 lunches---- yet ran 6 short. So........we decide to return on Friday, take 6 lunches ( + a few extra) and serve them again ! Great !

Assembly Line - La Paz Style

First the bread, then the mayo, then some sort of mystery meat (ham), then American cheese, then more bread, and finally in the bag.

Ham Sandwich Anyone?

Tuesday night we prepared 96 lunches for kids at Miss Barbara's outreach to the more unfortunate kids who may not have a lunch at all if we were not able to provide. She feeds them breakfast 3 days per week. Here are the pictures of us packing the bags and making what seemed like 7000-8000 sandwiches. Tomorrow morning we deliver them while also serving breakfast and cleaning up

The Shower ---Tom Here!

One of the jobs we were assigned was to build a shower stall in the bathroom for the pastors to use at the Seminary when visiting or in class. We had to tear out a toilet, remove the water line, tear out floor tile, etc.. a shower stall. Being experienced masons---we tore right into the job. Raul got us started then, we were responsible for the rest of the wall. Tom & Mark started building and then later Mike joined us when he had completed his other task for the day. Seven hours later - we had a wall seven courses high wall built. We will be laying water lines on Thursday thru SOLID concrete walls and cutting out a vertical line on the outside wall so that the water line can be buried into the concrete ( more cutting - :( ..... Then we will rebury the water lines in the concrete. The water is supplied from a roof top tank painted black ( to help heat the water).

More pictures to follow on this project !

Job of the Day - Build a shower stall !

The Three Amigos showing off their finished product. Quite a job well done if we say so ourselves ! Nothing like a finished job!

Hand me a towel guys!

Build it they & they will come .......or take a shower! After getting the shower stall---Tom just could not wait to try out the new facility.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fear Factor has nothing on us! Our friends Carolina and Ruben have been after us to try tongue tacos for about 5 years now. Tonight they purchased 15 tacos for our group, and we all tried at least a bite. The taste was surprisingly good (although I still could not bring myself to eat a whole taco!), and the texture was very soft? Almost like tofu! Mark and I thought it tasted like Pot Roast, but Mike thought it tasted like chicken livers. Anyway, when in Rome! Carolina and Ruben were very proud of us.
~ Susan

Anyone for Tongue Tacos?

Monday, March 09, 2009

Raul Thru the Wall !

Rome wasn't built in a day, and it only took us the better part of the morning to install an exhaust fan in a 9 inch concrete wall!
Here Raul continues to chisel through concrete block, a rough coat of cement, and a finish coat to provide future ventilation for a new shower at the seminary.

Raul to the Rescue !

Black Bone Cat" here (aka Tom)

Went to our first full day of work at the Seminary (Theological School of La Paz ). Mike, Mark, & Nelson digging trenches, laying a footer and building an underground property barrier wall. Underground to separate the seminary from the neighbor's wall. Tomorrow- the wall will rise up above ground to surround the mural built by Gene Zackavich (of FBC Bethlehem) some years ago.

I started removing a toilet in the bathroom ( I always get the fun jobs !) and removing part of the floor tile so that we can then build walls for a shower stall. Lots of concrete dust and shards of ceramic tile. Part way through the tile removal - Raul ( The Larimer's friend who was badly burned last year in an explosion) showed up to assist. Raul laughs a lot and talks a lot ( not sure what he's saying) . We completed the removal task and then started prepping to build the wall and actually got the first course built and Raul actually allowed me to lay some block and apply the mortar- although with a little laughing!

Oh forgot - we also had to cut an 18" hole through the wall so that we could install an " extractor" - aka bathroom power vent. Mark, Raul & I spent several hours cutting the hole as it was built of solid concrete. Not to mention avoiding electrical wiring INSIDE the concrete that was NOT marked or visible. However, the fan now works - 1 for the Gringos!

The best part of the day was meeting and spending time with Raul - a sweet , extremely hard working soul that would do anything for anybody. He loves the Lord and wants to do whatever he can to help others even though he has little else to share. Mary (his wife) and his kids (2 boys and a girl) are just a kind and giving and never seem to quit smiling and working.

Emma refused to give me a hug tonight but promised to give me one "tomorrow" (fingers crossed) since I acted sad and really miss Miss Joan's hugs. Can't wait ! ( to hug both Emma & Miss Joan).

Well - tomorrow more wall building and water line installation - what a rewarding experience to build something of lasting and forever importance - both the seminary AND the folks we are learning to love.

Yours, Tom

P.S. Had a crybaby moment yesterday during Sunday worship and praise time. Singing the same songs we frequently ( How Great Is Our God, Blessed Be Your Name, God Of Wonders and more) - I got a very large lump in my throat when I realized that these folks here are loved by the same God we at CrossWay serve and which makes all of His children brotheres and sisters!

Tom here: Meet my new friend 'Jesus" ( Hey-seuss) who plays bass for the church band. We bass dudes gotta stick together. However, I think he used more than 2 strings but my 2 are probably better played. Jesus is age 16 and speaks english as good as pastor but his Spanish is far better than any of us. He just started playing and loves the Lord!

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Tacos Anyone?

Good Morning All, (Tom here!)

We have decided that all of us love Tacos because everything is served in a Taco shell of some kind. Chicken Taco, Beef Taco, Refried bean Taco, Corn Taco and the ever favorite "Fish" Taco !
Tomorrow - something in a Taco!

Starting to meet lots of folks and enjoying the relationships developing. Friendliness is the operative word. Yesterday was unpacking, sorting & packing of the items we carried down to distribute to folks here in La Paz. Mike worked on the pants , Nelson worked on the shirts, David worked on socks and other things and I got the underwear ?? (Go figure). Packed 60-70 small bags of goodies ( toiletries & sundries) and same amount of bags of candy for the kids. Of course none of us ate any of the candy :) !

Worship coming up in a couple of hours with Crossroads and I wear will be willing my usual "suit" of shorts , polo shirt and flip flops ( don't you feel the pain?). Then on to Lunch ( guessing some more tacos!) then plan , organize and shop for the rest of the week's work until worhip at First Baptist Church here! Til' Then - Adios Amigos!

"Black Bone Cat" - a.k.a. Tom the "Roadie"

Saturday, March 07, 2009

What a Privilege!!!!!

What a privilege to travel with the folks from your church, even the pastor, to La Paz. We are truly looking forward to a blessed week here working in the hot sun and eating all kinds of food we have never seen before. Please remember us all in prayer as we will be doing manual labor, which at least for me, is not my usual day's work. Again, thanks for the opportunity to share in this ministry. Nelson Randolph; Bethlehem, PA

We've Arrived!!

Hey, Mike Creech here...

We arrived at the airport around 4:00am only to find out that we couldn’t check in until 4:30. At check-in proceeded to hand in the 10 duffel bags all weighing in at 50 pounds each. 5 of the 10 bags were filled with supplies we're going to give to children & needy families in La Paz Mexico. f We landed in Houston International Airport around 8:00am & proceeded to go to our gate & then to another gate & then to another gate (all the way Tom is lugging around this guitar) & you guessed it another gate, yep, our gate was changed 4 times while we were waiting to board. We finally boarded the palne & landed in Cabo San Lucas where we met up with our ride, David & Joyce. We loaded up the van & headed toward La Paz, on the way we stopped for lunch & everyone had fish tacos in a little "gringo" town called Los Barriles.

Unpacking Relief Supplies

Friday, February 06, 2009

Mission La Paz 2009

Mission: La Paz 2009 - On March 6th our team from CrossWay Community Church in Harrison, Ohio will depart for La Paz, Mexico to serve American Baptist Missionaries David and Joyce Reed, the churches of the Mexican Baptist Convention of Southern Baja, and the people of the city of La Paz. Team members include: Nelson Randolph, Tom Brum, Mike Creech, Mark, Susan, Emma, and Jackson Larimer. It has been nearly 3 years since our family has seen our family and friends in La Paz, and we are excited beyond words to return!

How can you be a part of our mission?
Pray! Please commit to praying daily for safe travel, for new and renewed relationships, and for every opportunity to share our lives and faith with those we encounter.

Check back often for pictures and regular updates of our adventure!!