Monday, March 09, 2009

Raul to the Rescue !

Black Bone Cat" here (aka Tom)

Went to our first full day of work at the Seminary (Theological School of La Paz ). Mike, Mark, & Nelson digging trenches, laying a footer and building an underground property barrier wall. Underground to separate the seminary from the neighbor's wall. Tomorrow- the wall will rise up above ground to surround the mural built by Gene Zackavich (of FBC Bethlehem) some years ago.

I started removing a toilet in the bathroom ( I always get the fun jobs !) and removing part of the floor tile so that we can then build walls for a shower stall. Lots of concrete dust and shards of ceramic tile. Part way through the tile removal - Raul ( The Larimer's friend who was badly burned last year in an explosion) showed up to assist. Raul laughs a lot and talks a lot ( not sure what he's saying) . We completed the removal task and then started prepping to build the wall and actually got the first course built and Raul actually allowed me to lay some block and apply the mortar- although with a little laughing!

Oh forgot - we also had to cut an 18" hole through the wall so that we could install an " extractor" - aka bathroom power vent. Mark, Raul & I spent several hours cutting the hole as it was built of solid concrete. Not to mention avoiding electrical wiring INSIDE the concrete that was NOT marked or visible. However, the fan now works - 1 for the Gringos!

The best part of the day was meeting and spending time with Raul - a sweet , extremely hard working soul that would do anything for anybody. He loves the Lord and wants to do whatever he can to help others even though he has little else to share. Mary (his wife) and his kids (2 boys and a girl) are just a kind and giving and never seem to quit smiling and working.

Emma refused to give me a hug tonight but promised to give me one "tomorrow" (fingers crossed) since I acted sad and really miss Miss Joan's hugs. Can't wait ! ( to hug both Emma & Miss Joan).

Well - tomorrow more wall building and water line installation - what a rewarding experience to build something of lasting and forever importance - both the seminary AND the folks we are learning to love.

Yours, Tom

P.S. Had a crybaby moment yesterday during Sunday worship and praise time. Singing the same songs we frequently ( How Great Is Our God, Blessed Be Your Name, God Of Wonders and more) - I got a very large lump in my throat when I realized that these folks here are loved by the same God we at CrossWay serve and which makes all of His children brotheres and sisters!

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